Is Hillary Clinton Thinking of Running for President Again?

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After yesterday’s interview with Christiane Amanpour at the Women for Women International event, Hillary Clinton reminded voters once again why she is so unlikeable and someone they would not want to have over for dinner.

When asked to reflect back on the 2016 campaign against Donald Trump and how a complete political novice, with his own party and nearly all of the political and media establishment, both left and right, first laughing at his chances for victory before joining forces to defeat him, could have taken the White House from an old experienced political hand like herself, Hillary answered as expected.

Rather than showing any humility or vulnerability, or a hint of doubt about how she ran her campaign, Hillary blamed the usual suspects; FBI Director James Comey and Wikileaks. If only the voters had not known about the DNC’s plan to configure the primaries to Hillary’s advantage over Bernie Sanders, making the Democratic primaries more of a formality rather than a political contest or how high-ranking DNC operatives ridiculed and mocked the beliefs of Catholics. Certainly these revelations did not help her campaign, but they did not single-handedly sink it.

The tone of her talk was one of someone who still believes the White House was stolen from her and it needs to be rightfully returned to her either before or by the next Presidential election.

It’s ok to be arrogant and self-absorbed, just don’t let others know about it. Hillary still seems to have learned nothing from the last election, which should be enough to disqualify her from being hand-picked by the DNC again as their annointed favorite.

It’s time for Hillary and the rest of the Democratic party to reflect a bit on how a brash reality TV star, one who never held public office before, managed to beat a career politican with the entire establishment behind her. Perhaps it had something to do with the candidate and her message rather than Wikileaks or Russian hacking. A little humility and self-reflection is in order.





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